58L Kegmenter, unitank i rostfritt stål 58L Kegmenter, unitank i rostfritt stål 58L Kegmenter, unitank i rostfritt stål 58L Kegmenter, unitank i rostfritt stål 58L Kegmenter, unitank i rostfritt stål 58L Kegmenter, unitank i rostfritt stål 58L Kegmenter, unitank i rostfritt stål

58L Kegmenter

Unitank i rostfritt stål

Artikelnummer: 102476
These 58L stainless steel vessels are designed just like a commercial beer keg but with a large 10cm (4inch) tri-clover opening at the top so you can easily get inside the keg to clean it out.  This new 58L Size is perfect for doing 50L batches so you have a bit of spare head space inside the Kegmenter.
2 890 SEK
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These 58L stainless steel vessels are designed just like a commercial beer keg but with a large 10cm (4inch) tri-clover opening at the top so you can easily get inside the keg to clean it out.  This new 58L Size is perfect for doing 50L batches so you have a bit of spare head space inside the Kegmenter.

This the stainless steel Kegmenter comes with airlock and flat plate however you can also use this kegmenter under pressure if you want to.  If you want to use this Kegmenter under pressure then we would recommend that you purchase the lid with ball lock posts and pressure relief vale (Part: KL05890)

The Kegmenter can hold 2.5bar which makes it possible to carbonate and ferment in the same vessel. You can either carbonate naturally with the use of our adjustable pressure relief valve(spunding valve) or if you are using a CO2 gas cylinder you can force carbonate.

Being able to hold pressure also means you can push the beer out of the fermenter directly through a filter or even dispense directly from fermenter to draft beer tap if you wanted to.

The chimes on the Kegmenters have specifically been designed to be taller than normal chimes so they are high enough to give clearance over the stainless posts on the KL05890 Ball Lock Post Lid.  This means the Kegmenters can be stacked. The interlocking stacking chimes means the kegs can be safely stacked up to 4 high.


Height, without airlock: 640 mm
Width: 408 mm

Pressure Limitations
Maximum Working Pressure: 2.5 BAR
Test Pressure: 5 BAR
Wall Thickness (Body/Chimes): 1.8mm/2.1mm



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Användningsområde Öl
