Kveik M12 10 g - torrjäst för ölbryggning

Kveik M12 10 g

Torrjäst, Kveik från Norge

Artikelnummer: 102668

A top fermenting yeast, Voss Kveik offers fast fermentation at very high temperatures whilst retaining a neutral flavour character with subtle citrus fruit notes.

M12 Kveik Yeast is suitable for a range of styles from Norwegian Farmhouse Ales to Pale Ales and IPAs.

59 SEK
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A top fermenting yeast, Voss Kveik offers fast fermentation at very high temperatures whilst retaining a neutral flavour character with subtle citrus fruit notes.

M12 Kveik Yeast is suitable for a range of styles from Norwegian Farmhouse Ales to Pale Ales and IPAs.


Attenuation: High

Flocculation: Very High

Usage Directions: Sprinkle directly on up to 23L of wort.
For best results, ferment at 30-40 C.

Storage Recommendations: Store in the fridge below 10 C

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Användningsområde Öl
Jästtyp Kveik
