Milwaukee Cleaning Solution 20 ml rengörningsvätska

Milwaukee Cleaning Solution

20 ml rengörningsvätska

Artikelnummer: 104017
M10016B är en rengöringsvätska för mätelektroder till Milwaukees mätverktyg. Förläng livslängden och säkra mätresultaten genom att alltid ha en väl rengjord mätelektrod. Framtagen med kemikalier av högsta kvalité.
19 SEK
9i lager
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M10016B is a lab grade electrode cleaning solution prepared with premium chemicals to improve the performance and extend the life of your pH and ORP electrodes, testers and pens.

Your accuracy and speed of your results are dependent on your pH sensing bulb and ORP platinum tip being clean. pH and ORP electrodes also need a free flowing junction to function.

Milwaukee's cleaning solution helps both keep sensing parts clean and the junction open. Simply open the bottle, fill a beaker or container so that the level covers the sensor and junction, and soak for 15 to 20 minutes followed by a soaking in M10016B storage solution for at least 2 hours.

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  • Cider
  • Vin
  • Öl
