Grainfather Glycol Chiller Grainfather Glycol Chiller Grainfather Glycol Chiller

KUN SE - Grainfather GC4 Glycol Chiller

Benytt Grainfather Glycol Chiller til å kontrollere gjæringsforløpet på opptil 4 Grainfather Conical Fermenters. Individuell styring av gjæringstemperaturen under hele gjæringsforløpet.
11 990 SEK
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Benytt Grainfather Glycol Chiller til å kontrollere gjæringsforløpet på opptil 4 Grainfather Conical Fermenter. Individuell styring av gjæringstemperaturen under hele gjæringsforløpet.


Temperaturkontroll er en av - om ikke DET viktigste - ved brygging av øl. Gjæringen er eksotermisk, dvs at det utvikles varme, og for hjemmebryggere er det ofte vanskelig å sikre rett temperatur i vørteren i gjæringskaret, selv om gjæringskaret er plassert i for eksempel kjøleskap eller eller fryser med temperaturkontroll. Med en Grainfather Glycol Chiller får du en svært nøyaktig styring av temperaturen under gjæringsforløpet, og med den digitale kontrolleren som følger med Grainfahter Conical Fermenter kan du programmere temperaturprofilen og du kan dermed gi ølet ditt den ønskede smaksprofilen, gang på gang.


Grainfather Glycol Chiller kan styre opp til 4 Grainfather Conical Fermentere samtidig. Merk: det følger med ett slangesett og en Conical Coat når du kjøper en Grainfather Clycol Chiller, og du vil trenge ett ekstra slangesett til hver Grainfather Conical Fermenter du ønsker å koble til. Conical Coat er anbefalt for å unngår kondens.


Se Grainfather sin egne videoer her: og
Eller så kan du også se på David Heath sin omtale av produktet:

Viktig: se også instruksjon beskrevet under (Engelsk): Må stå oppreist i 24 timer FØR enheten slås på og tas i bruk. Les instruksjonen for påfylling av glykol (benytt kun food grade glykol). Pumpen må primes før enheten tas i bruk. Merk at vi ikke har motatt glykol eller bonusproduktet Conical Fermenter Jacket. Dette vil bli ettersendt så raskt vi mottar til vårt lager.


Fra produsenten:
Control your fermentation temperature accurately, every time!


Temperature control is one of the most crucial elements for producing a good quality beer. It needs to be regulated and stable throughout the whole fermentation process to ensure the yeast doesn't get stressed and ferments correctly to get the right flavour profile. With the ability to individually power and control the temperature of up to four Grainfather Conical Fermenters, each with their own fermenting schedules, the Grainfather Glycol Chiller is the perfect addition to ensure superior fermenting results.


With a sleek and compact design, that still accommodates our full array of features, the Glycol Chiller maintains the Grainfather’s principle of providing quality home brewing equipment, that deliver’s craft brewery like results, on a small footprint. With the addition of the Glycol Chiller, your system is operating at the ultimate level and you are even able to cold crash and lager down to 4°C (39°F). The Glycol Chiller connects to a hidden cooling sleeve, located in between the two stainless steel walls of the Conical Fermenter. Your desired temperature is dialed into the digital temperature controller on the Conical Fermenter, the liquid then travels through this sleeve, cooling the stainless steel which in turn cools the beer in the fermenter. The cooling sleeve never comes into contact with the beer, is completely concealed and does not need cleaning or sanitising - a true innovation for a fermenter on this scale.


- Allows you to cold crash 23 L (6 US Gal) of wort to as low as 4-6ºC (39-43°F). Minimum temperature will vary based on external factors such as ambient room temperature, the number of fermenters connected and other environmental conditions.
- Cools and powers up to 4 Conical Fermenters at different temperatures and fermenting schedules.
- Includes bonus Conical Fermenter Coat and propylene glycol to get you efficient cooling for your fermenter right away.
Note: The instructions for the Glycol Chiller will be attached to the outside of the shipping box. It is important that you retain these, do not throw them away and read them carefully before use to ensure no damage occurs to the unit. If these for any reason are not included with your purchase, we highly recommend you download a new copy via the instructions tab on this page and read them carefully.


There is 24 month warranty for Glycol Chillers.


- Glycol Chiller
- Wall outlet power cord with plug
- 2 x cooling connection couplers
- 2 x 2 m (6.5 ft) insulated hoses
- Conical Fermenter Coat (2 parts: body & cone jacket)
- 1 x Glycol Funnel
- 1 x silicon tube for priming pump
- 1 x 3 L (3 US qt) propylene glycol
NOTE: When you receive your unit, you will need to fill it up with a propylene glycol mixture. Refer to the instructions provided with the Glycol Chiller for mixing, filling and pump priming information.


- LED display
- 6 L (1.5 US Gal) glycol tank
- 300 W
- 220 – 240 V, 50Hz
- Size: 390W x 450D x 656H (mm)
- Weight: 28.3 kg (62 lbs)



IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Make sure the chiller has been standing upright for 24 hours before turning it ON. Before using the Glycol Chiller, you must prime the pump by carefully following the instructions included with your purchase or online here.


Click here to download Glycol Chiller instructions.

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