100g Cherry wood cubes

100g Cherry wood cubes

Fra kirsebærtre


Kubene er fra kirsebærtre. Dette er et spennende alternativ til eikekuber.

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99 SEK
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Kubene er fra kirsebærtre. Dette er et spennende alternativ til eikekuber.

Vi anbefaler å la terninger og chips ligge å trekke i brennvin noen dager før de tilsettes.
Her er det flere muligheter, prøv å finne noe du tror passer med det ferdige resultatet.
Man kan også ha dem i stekeovnen, men pass på, da for høy varme og/eller for lang tid i ovnen kan endre egenskapene til terningene. 90 grader i 5-8 minutter er anbefalt.

Kontakttid og mengde:
Det er ingen fasit på dette. Ølstil, lagring og egne smakspreferanser spiller inn.
Chips kan ligge fra 3-7 dager, og terninger 1-6 mnd. Smak underveis.

Dette skriver leverandøren:
This cube is cut from cherry tree and enables the extraction of the typical cherry style and colours your product reddish-gold.

Cherry is still the distiller’s most favorable taste. And that not only because of the fruit’s fertility but also because it is an inherent part of the culinary culture of Southern Germany and Switzerland. Since 150 years, the particular climatic conditions there and the soil conditions that the cherry trees need to enforce the fruit’s most aromatic evolvement have been and are still appreciated. The sweet cherry has not for nothing been named tree of the year 2010. It is a stone fruit and belongs to the rose family. The “kirsch” is characterized by its complex taste that takes long at its end as well as the decent and subtle flavor. Initiates describe the favor during tastings often as fleshy, fruity, chocolate, sourly aromatic, juicy, lusty or nuttily aromatic.

The most crucial point for the distillers is, however, also the question if “stonetone”, i. e. an almond or marchpane flavor is desired. The question if this flavor or homogenous kirsch with a discrete fruit nature should be pursued is highly discussed. Thankfully one should say. Cause: As is generally known, tastes are different.

Les vår artikker om chips, terninger og andre trevarianter her!

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  • Cider
  • Øl
