Pen Style pH-meter

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Artikelnummer: 101702
749 SEK
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En rimligt prissatt pH-mätare som håller bra kvalitet. Kan kalibreras med tre stycken mätpunkter och elektroden kan bytas ut vid behov.

Elektroden bör förvaras i förvaringslösning för att hålla över tid. Denna pH-mätare har en o-ring för koppen som skyddar elektroden. Denna kan fyllas med förvaringslösning, vilket också minskar risken att vätskan dunstar över tid. En mycket smart lösning som få andra tillverkare utnyttjar sig av.

Från tillverkaren:

Finally, a quality made pH meter that ticks all the boxes and doesnt break the bank.  When we set out to make this pH meter we struggled to find a good quality pH meter under $150 that ticked all the boxes but we have finally made one.

Water Resistant Design
We know what you brewers are like.  You are going to drop this into a pool of sanitiser the monent you purchase it.  As a result we have made this unit water resistant and spashproof.

Digital Triple Point Calibration
Cheaper pH meters only have single or double point calibration.  For brewing we often operate over a large range right down to 2.5 for testing sanitiser solution and high up for alkiline cleaners.  We also need the pH meter to be accurate at the mid range for brewing.  As a result we have got triple point calibration.  The calibration is completely digital and can be done in 60 seconds.  No calibration screws that you need to turn or anything like that.  Just put the pH meter into the buffer solution that comes included and then hit the calibration button.  It's as simple as that.

Replaceable Electrode
Home brewing puts a lot of stress on the electrodes.  Especially if you are testing hot wort directly from your mash tun.  If you know anyting about pH meters you will know that the electrodes are not difficult to damage in a brewing environment and they have a tendency to fail over time.  Why spend all this money on a good quality pH meter if you can't replace the electrode.  This pH meter has a replaceable electrode so you can just remove it and put on a new one if you damage it.

Includes Buffer Solution
This includes 3 packs of buffer solution.  Just add water and store in a glass jam jar and the buffer solution will last almost forever.

Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)
Any good quality pH meter you get will include ATC.  This additional feature means the probe needs to have a small temp probe at the end so it can compensate for high or low temperatures.  Lets face it, you are not going to wait for your wort sample to cool down to 20C are you.  That's why this is absolutely necessary.

Water Proof Cap
The main reason why pH meters start to fail over time is they are incorrectly stored.  If your pH meter is left with a dry probe the KCL solution evapourates through the glass membrane.  This significantly will effect your results.  The cap on our pH meter has an o-ring and is a water tight seal.  It's amazing how many pH meters dont have this basic function meaning your probe gets destroyed very quicly and you are back to purchase another unit.  To keep your electrode in best possible solution we recommend you clean with water then store in KCL storage solution inside the cap then push the cap on tight so it seals it up.  This will keep your readings accurate for ages.

We are proud to bring you this awesome pH meter and we believe you cant find a better pH meter anywhere near this price.

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  • Cider
  • Vin
  • Öl
