Empire Ale M15 10 g - Torrjäöst för ölbryggning - olbryggning.se

Empire Ale M15 10 g

Torrjäst, för engelsk öl

Artikelnummer: 100516

A top fermenting ale strain suitable or many types of ales of all strengths.

Ferments with a neutral yeast aroma to ensure the full character of the malts and hops are prominent in each beer.

Suitable for India Pale Ale, Porter, Stouts, Barley Wine and more.

45 SEK
20+i lager
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A top fermenting ale strain suitable or many types of ales of all strengths.

Ferments with a neutral yeast aroma to ensure the full character of the malts and hops are prominent in each beer.

Suitable for India Pale Ale, Porter, Stouts, Barley Wine and more.

Attenuation: High

Flocculation: Very High

Usage Directions: Sprinkle contents directly on up to 23L of wort. For best results, ferment at 16-22 C.

Storage Recommendations: Store in the fridge

Denna liknas oftast med WLP039 

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Användningsområde Öl
Jästtyp Ale / Överjäst
