Bavarian Wheat M20 10g - Tørrgjær - Ølbrygging

Bavarian Wheat M20 10g

Torrjäst, för Tysk veteöl

Artikelnummer: 100509

Top fermenting Bavarian wheat beer yeast imparts banana and clove esters balanced with spiced aromas.
This yeast produces a silky mouth feel and rich body.

Suitable for brewing Hefeweizen, Kristal Weizen, Dunkel Weizen and more.

39 SEK
20+i lager
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Top fermenting Bavarian wheat beer yeast imparts banana and clove esters balanced with spiced aromas.
This yeast produces a silky mouth feel and rich body.

Suitable for brewing Hefeweizen, Kristal Weizen, Dunkel Weizen and more.

Attenuation: Medium

Flocculation: Low

Usage Directions: Sprinkle contents directly on up to 23L of wort. 
Ferment at 18-30 C  for best results.

Storage Recommendations: Store in the fridge

Denna liknas oftast med WLP351

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Användningsområde Öl
Jästtyp Ale / Överjäst
